Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tired of Being Anonymous... I Think

There are multiple blogs here in cyberspace that I contribute to everyday. Not a single one of those ties to my name in any way. I spent years building up a network of fake names, profiles, and e-mail addresses so that I could separate my personal life from my work persona. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

So we all know that I am not really anonymous. What, with all the tracking the CIA, FBI and NSA do constantly, someone somewhere knows exactly what blogs I contribute to, and exactly who I am. None of that really surprises me, nor does it really upset me. I just wish they would tell me exactly who I am; I've been trying to figure that out for quite some time now.

But I'm missing my point. I think I'm tired of being anonymous; tired of keeping my worlds apart. At least I think I'm tired. And why now? Because I no longer want to explain why I'm not conservative or liberal; why I'm not... well, why I am not something that fits in a box.

The internet has pushed us all into boxes... in case you haven't noticed. The 24-hour news cycle and the constant yelling that is all designed to polarize us.

But this post is nothing of real interest. It is simply a quick free write this morning, and the jumping off point of a new blog that is still in search of an identity. And I shall ramble on some more later.

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