Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Extremes

Insanity seems to be the normal around us now. Talking heads on TV bombard us with hideously insane comments; coworkers and friends inundate us with insane ideas; and family members burry us with insane requests for our time. There is so much irrational and insane thought circulating the globe that I’ve come to realize that we are no longer a carbon-based life form, but rather an illogical mythical creature within someone else’s demented imagination that is completely dependent on bullshit and insanity.

Why do we do it? And by “we” I really mean me; it just hurts less to apply mistakes to a global “we” as if my failings are representative of all men, or spouses, or all mammals.

Why do I make such spectacular mistakes? I’m talking about the type of mistakes that when you make them, entire ecosystems are destroyed. If only it were possible for my net worth to be calculated based on my errors, I’d be lunching with the likes of Warren Buffet.

Turns out the “why” is quite easy. It is just part of who I am and how I am. I can choose to look at only my failings, but if I look at my successes as well, those too are spectacular. When I succeed it is like warm apple pie with vanilla bean ice cream. So it is a postulate: I live in the extremes. Whether is it a success or a failure, everyone will respond with some form of “shit, that was unreal!”

We’re a society comprised of double standards and unrealistic expectations. Everyone should have certain items unconditionally, but we lash out if they don’t work to earn those things. We claim to want everyone to be better at things like life, finances, parenting, health and so forth. But we build whole businesses that are based on people continuing to fail at these things.

Is that fair? Is that the insanity that we’ve plateaued at?

That I’ve come to accept this now, at this point in my life – halfway between here and there – I’m aware that I have a thorny choice to make. I can either take the path that acknowledges this insanity, or I can choose to ignore it and reset my concept of “normal” within the current societal condition.

Or are those my only choices?

Well, for now I’ve chosen to wrap this insanity around me. It’s quite becoming I think. I can wear it as a scarf or headband; it’s really quite versatile.

Some people attempt to explain what this life is all about; what the hell we are all supposed to do with our time here. The truth is that there probably isn’t really any reason or point to our existence outside of whatever we want to get out of it. Some of us want to leave a lasting mark; kids to continue our family name. Some just want to fuck, get high and have a good party. Others just fumble around doing stuff of not much substance.

I’ll stick with my extremes. There are times when I get those blues, wondering why things are the way they are; why there is no money in my wallet, or hand in my hand at that moment. There will always be those times when I need that hug or kiss, and I just don’t get it… and that is the extreme for only a moment.

Life balances.

A moment later I’ve got my beautiful wife and giggling boys showering me with more love and laughter than any one person deserves… I can survive the downs for those awesome ups.

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